Well, this is exciting, I got nominated for another blog award! I always enjoy posts like these so it’s really lovely to be a part of another one. Like always, I’m going to go through the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you for The Dazzling Blogger Award.
Link back to the original blog post.
Answer the seven questions that they asked in their blog post.
Make up seven new questions.
Nominate seven more people for The Dazzling Blogger Award, who you think exemplifies excellent blogging skills.

I want to thank Corinne from Ma qualité de vie for nominating me! I visit her blog often and she’s another blogger I interact with often. I truly enjoy her content and I think you would too, remember to check her out!
Corinne's Questions
1. What is the biggest life lesson you've learned so far?
- Life is unpredictable, I’ve started to learn how to appreciate the life I have, through the ups and downs.
2. What having a good day looks like for you?
- Eating some good food, watching some funny videos on youtube and taking care of my dogs.
3. If you were offered an all-expenses-paid trip to the destination of your choice, where would you go and why?
- I would go to Japan, I really like the culture and I think it’s a beautiful country.
4. What is your favourite self-care routine?
- Doing my skincare routine is my favourite. It really relaxes me when I'm getting ready for bed or helps me wake up in the morning.
5. What are you good at intuitively?
- I’m really good at observing, I can know someone’s personality without even talking to them. It works in my favour a lot going through high school.
6. If you could go back in time and give advice to your young self what would you say?
- Don’t be too hard on yourself and it’s okay to enjoy things. I would always hold myself back because I was afraid of things going wrong.
7. What's the one thing you can't do without?
- Music, it just brings me out of bad moods or just makes me feel good overall. I couldn't live without it.
My Questions
1. What’s your favourite meal?
2. What’s your favourite thing about blogging?
3. What was your favourite class in high school?
4. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
5. How is adulthood going for you?
My nominees
I’ve been gone for a bit but this post has been overdue. I still enjoy making posts like this so I wanted to finish it. I want to thank Corinne again for nominating me and I can’t wait to read the posts by my nominees!

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels
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I hope you're at your happiest if not, it's okay...I hope you're starting or working on reaching the highest peak of happiness.
- Anissa (TheQuietGirl)

Photo by Olga Lioncat from Pexels